A downloadable game for Windows

Quick! Time is running out...

The Main Menu

The Main Menu

Run thru a maze on your about to burst spaceship while trying to find the teleporter that will take you to the main reactor room so you can turn it off before it explodes - and takes the whole ship with it.And look carefully at the walls. Some seem to be a little strange. What could be going on? Probably just some side effects of the reactor going into overdrive. 

Reactor Room

Reactor Room

Use the wasd or arrow keys to move, and the mouse to look around. Space will make your character jump.

The teleporter

The teleporter

You use the teleporter just by going into it. You turn off the reactor by walkint into it from any direction. Before posting any comment about a bug, Please read the known issues section.

Please note that this game was made for Brackeys Game Jam 2022.1, and due to time limitations and lack of experience, this is not a finished project (and probably never will be)

Known issues (might contain "spoilers" to the game, read at your own discretion):

-the minimap displays only the fake walls. Teh fake walls use a custom shader, and thus are different to the real walls. On the editor, the map only shows the real walls, but on the build it only shows the fake ones. The minimpa is just an orthographic camera placed above the level rendering onto a render texture that is then used in a RawImage component.

The minimap in the editor

The minimap in the editor

The minimap in the game

The minimap in the game

-there is no timer. The idea of this game was that you'd have limited time to turn off the reactor, and if you didn't you'd lose, but I ended up nit having time to implement it.

-the back button in the end screen doesn't work. When you turn off the reactor, the end screen appears with a button that reads "Back". It should take you back to the main menu, but it just isn't clickable at all. If you want to leave the game, you're gonna have to force close it by pressing Alt+F4.

This game was made with Unity 2020.3.13f1 Personal. If you know the fix to any of the mentioned problems, feel free to mention it in the comments


v0.0.1beta.7z 17 MB

Install instructions

-Download the zip file

-Unzip it all into an empty folder (I suggest you create one with the name of the game, put the zip in there and select the "Unzip here" option on right clicking the file)

-Run the "BrackeysGameJam2022-1.exe" file - that is the game

-Don't delete any of the other files and folders

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